Having new customers Orders, SME freaquently, before manufacturing, design Products and its construction. This work do developers, performing some task for each Order.
The seaquence of these tasks and distributing orders between developers, registration finished tasks, acounting and payroll can perform AIVA 9001 software
AIVA 9001 uses the data directly from the customer order or estimates to generate a work schedule for products design and project development tasks.
AIVA 9001 plans the timing and sequence of the tasks, with regards to manufacturing terms and developers’ occupation, performs the accounting of manufacturing and design tasks.
Developers can monitor the process from start to finish, upload the drawing files and import the product specifications.
AIVA 9001 is used for:
· A faster work planning for a developer at a lower cost;
· A more operational and efficient distribution of the tasks for developers depending on their workload;
· Shortening of the order execution time as the developers themselves will design the product and enter its data necessary for pricing of the order and production management;
· Assistance to monitor the progress of the works in order to supervise the timing of the order execution. |
Work Planning. Production planning module of the program can schedule a work plan for developers. Manufacturingn and design work of a non-standard product can be pre-described as a set of the less labour-consuming works to be done for designing the particular product. Each task includes the employees positions able to do the work. The program organizes the ordered works with regard to the workload of each job position, duration of the planned works and the time limits for completion of the order.
The performed tasks registration
After completion of the task, the developers record the completion date and uploads deigned product files to the database order for production
Payroll (bonus) estimates for developers. The program, using the attributed work rates, automatically calculates the payrolls for developers or their bonuses with accordance with the works performed and displays the respective report.